Kaula is a member of “Neutrino” which is the first blockchain-dedicated co-working space in Japan

URL : https://www.neutrino-space.com/japan
Location :12-10 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0031, Japan
(Neutrine has co-working spaces in Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing as well as in Tokyo.)

1. As for Neurino’s vision, please see its web pages at  https://www.neutrino-space.com

2.Kaula will collaborate with Neutrino to offer and share blockchain information for the community.

3.Kaula will present its recent activities aound Automotive and blockchain at an event of “the future of automotives that blockchain leads” held at Neutrino on Oct.12 (Fri) .  Let’s discuss about it together.
https://neutrino.connpass.com/event/101259/ (In Japanese)