New date of BG2C FIN/SUM BB set on August 24 and 25
On air, 15:00 June 26 JST, Discussing roles of blockchain to solve social problems with COVID-19.
Nikkei Inc. and the Financial Services Agency postponed have set new dates of the international conference BG2C FIN/SUM BB on August 24th (Monday) and 25th (Tuesday).
We been postponed the event twice because of the novel coronavirus. In consideration of the economic resumption, we decided to hold the event in a hybrid format with the actual venue and interactive online sessions. We are currently working on a new schedule. Ticket buyers will soon be informed about how to participate, including interactive sessions.
Prior to the event, there will be a special online panel discussion to discuss how blockchain technology will be used to solve social problems associated with COVID-19. The discussion will be made publicly available via the Internet. Online broadcast time is set at 15:00JST (06:00GST). on Friday, June 26. The experts will discuss the role of blockchain in the post-corona era not only in finance but also in a wide range of social pain points. The session will be open to the public via the Internet. Please stay tuned.
Details are here: https://www.bg2c.net/en_onlineconference.html